Tile Clustering Tutorial

A basic introduction to using tile clustering


Clusters adjacent grid tiles together. Usage of this function assumes that the input is a grid dataset.

How does it work?

Tile clustering works by assigning the same ID to grid cells belonging to the same cluster. There are options to: (a) cluster adjacent cells by category, (b) cluster grid cells via adjacent edges or corners.

TileClustering().cluster_tiles(df, category_col)

type default optional/required details
cluster_type String four_way optional Leave blank () if using four_way cluster_type (top, bottom, left, right sides of a cell). Put in eight_way if preference is to cluster via four sides and corners of a cell.
df GeoDataFrame none required dataframe for clustering
category_col String none optional column for category if need to cluster adjacent cells by category

A technical step-by-step explanation of how TileClustering().cluster_tiles works is detailed in the cell blocks below. An example on how to use it with its arguments is shown in the sample use case section thereafter.

  1. Define the class.
class TileClustering:
    def __init__(
        cluster_type: str = "four_way",
    ) -> None:

        assert cluster_type in ["four_way", "eight_way"]
        self.cluster_type = cluster_type
        self.tile_cluster_col = "tile_cluster"
  1. Define the function.
def cluster_tiles(
    self: TileClustering,
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    category_col: Optional[str] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Appends the cluster ID for each square grid cell

    if category_col is None:
        cluster_df = self._cluster_tiles_single(df, grid_x_col, grid_y_col)
        assert (
            not df[category_col].isnull().any()
        ), f"There shouldn't be null values for {category_col}"
        unique_categories = df[category_col].unique().tolist()

        cluster_df_list = []
        for i, category in enumerate(unique_categories, start=1):
            bool_mask = df[category_col] == category
            filtered_df = df.loc[bool_mask, :].copy()
            cluster_filtered_df = self._cluster_tiles_single(
                filtered_df, grid_x_col, grid_y_col
            cluster_filtered_df[self.tile_cluster_col] = cluster_filtered_df[
            ].apply(lambda key: f"{key}-{i}")
        cluster_df = pd.concat(cluster_df_list, axis=0, ignore_index=True)

    df = pd.merge(left=df, right=cluster_df, on=[grid_x_col, grid_y_col], how="left")

    return df
  1. Categorize commands depending on input of category_col. Append cluster ID for each grid cell.
    # no entry in category_col - run the patched function _cluster_tiles_single
    if category_col is None:
        cluster_df = self._cluster_tiles_single(df, grid_x_col, grid_y_col)

    # entry in category_col - make sure that all rows have values
        assert (
            not df[category_col].isnull().any()
        ), f"There shouldn't be null values for {category_col}"
        unique_categories = df[category_col].unique().tolist()

    # append cluster ID for each grid cell
        cluster_df_list = []
        for i, category in enumerate(unique_categories, start=1):
            bool_mask = df[category_col] == category
            filtered_df = df.loc[bool_mask, :].copy()
            cluster_filtered_df = self._cluster_tiles_single(
                filtered_df, grid_x_col, grid_y_col
            cluster_filtered_df[self.tile_cluster_col] = cluster_filtered_df[
            ].apply(lambda key: f"{key}-{i}")
        cluster_df = pd.concat(cluster_df_list, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
  1. Merge grid cells with same cluster ID.
    df = pd.merge(left=df, right=cluster_df, on=[grid_x_col, grid_y_col], how="left")
  1. Return output dataframe.
    return df
  1. Other @patch functions

_cluster_tiles_single - called when there is no entry in category_col

def _cluster_tiles_single(
    self: TileClustering,
    df: pd.DataFrame,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Performs tile clustering on a single category

    if self.tile_cluster_col in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{self.tile_cluster_col} already exists as a column. Please rename"

    grid_x = df[grid_x_col]
    grid_y = df[grid_y_col]

    self.grid_idx = set(zip(grid_x, grid_y))

    self.tile_cluster_dict = {}
    self.cluster_id = 0

    for key in self.grid_idx:
        if key not in self.tile_cluster_dict.keys():
            self.cluster_id += 1

            # reset the call stack per iteration
            self.call_stack = deque()

    cluster_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        self.tile_cluster_dict, orient="index", columns=[self.tile_cluster_col]
    cluster_df = cluster_df.reset_index()
    cluster_df[grid_x_col] = cluster_df["index"].apply(lambda idx: idx[0])
    cluster_df[grid_y_col] = cluster_df["index"].apply(lambda idx: idx[1])
    cluster_df = cluster_df.drop(columns="index")

    return cluster_df

_get_adjacent_keys - defines how four_way and eight_way clustering works

def _get_adjacent_keys(
    self: TileClustering,
    key: Tuple[int, int],
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:

    x_idx = key[0]
    y_idx = key[1]

    east_key = (x_idx + 1, y_idx)
    west_key = (x_idx - 1, y_idx)
    south_key = (x_idx, y_idx - 1)
    north_key = (x_idx, y_idx + 1)

    if self.cluster_type == "four_way":
        adjacent_keys = [east_key, west_key, south_key, north_key]

    if self.cluster_type == "eight_way":
        northeast_key = (x_idx + 1, y_idx + 1)
        northwest_key = (x_idx - 1, y_idx + 1)
        southeast_key = (x_idx + 1, y_idx - 1)
        southwest_key = (x_idx - 1, y_idx - 1)

        adjacent_keys = [

    return adjacent_keys

_dfs_connected_components - a non-recursive depth-first search implementation of connected components

def _dfs_connected_components(
    self: TileClustering,
    key: Tuple[int, int],
) -> None:

    while self.call_stack:
        ref_key = self.call_stack.pop()

        # check if key exists in the first place
        if ref_key in self.grid_idx:
            # check if adjacent key has already been assigned
            if ref_key not in self.tile_cluster_dict.keys():
                self.tile_cluster_dict[ref_key] = self.cluster_id

                adjacent_keys = self._get_adjacent_keys(ref_key)
                for adjacent_key in adjacent_keys:

Sample use case- Clustering areas based on scores

Input: - grid_gdf5k - GeoDataFrame of randomly scored 5km x 5km grid cells - class - category column for basis of of clustering

Output: - clustered grid based on class

Step 1: Import packages

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

import geowrangler.grids as grids

import geowrangler.tile_clustering as tile_clustering

Step 2: Load GeoDataFrame and generate grid

grid_generator5k = grids.SquareGridGenerator(5_000)
grid_gdf5k = grid_generator5k.generate_grid(region3_gdf)
x y geometry
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755...
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755...
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755...
3 2 24 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.44910, 119.92058 15.449...
4 2 25 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.49239, 119.92058 15.492...
... ... ... ...
1069 54 44 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.31312, 122.25620 16.313...
1070 54 45 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.35623, 122.25620 16.356...
1071 54 46 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.39932, 122.25620 16.399...
1072 54 47 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.44240, 122.25620 16.442...
1073 54 48 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.48548, 122.25620 16.485...

1074 rows × 3 columns


Step 3: Assign scores

x y geometry score class
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755... 0.154930 False
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755... 0.953133 True
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755... 0.719994 True
3 2 24 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.44910, 119.92058 15.449... 0.283082 False
4 2 25 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.49239, 119.92058 15.492... 0.626144 False
... ... ... ... ... ...
1069 54 44 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.31312, 122.25620 16.313... 0.862839 True
1070 54 45 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.35623, 122.25620 16.356... 0.659405 False
1071 54 46 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.39932, 122.25620 16.399... 0.863707 True
1072 54 47 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.44240, 122.25620 16.442... 0.246483 False
1073 54 48 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.48548, 122.25620 16.485... 0.785704 True

1074 rows × 5 columns

Step 4: Tile clustering

output = tile_clustering.TileClustering().cluster_tiles(
    df=grid_gdf5k, category_col="class"
x y geometry score class tile_cluster
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755... 0.154930 False 1-1
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755... 0.953133 True 123-2
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755... 0.719994 True 2-2
3 2 24 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.44910, 119.92058 15.449... 0.283082 False 1-1
4 2 25 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.49239, 119.92058 15.492... 0.626144 False 1-1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1069 54 44 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.31312, 122.25620 16.313... 0.862839 True 73-2
1070 54 45 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.35623, 122.25620 16.356... 0.659405 False 2-1
1071 54 46 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.39932, 122.25620 16.399... 0.863707 True 36-2
1072 54 47 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.44240, 122.25620 16.442... 0.246483 False 2-1
1073 54 48 POLYGON ((122.21128 16.48548, 122.25620 16.485... 0.785704 True 74-2

1074 rows × 6 columns

output.plot(column="class", categorical=True, cmap="Spectral");