Tile Clustering

cluster together adjacent grid tiles



 TileClustering (cluster_type:str='four_way')

*Cluster together adjacent square grid cells. Grid cells belonging to the same cluster will get assigned the same ID. Optionally, you cluster adjacent cells by category by passing in category_col

By default, with cluster_type = ” four-way”, it clusters together grid cells with adjacent edges only. If you wish to consider grid cells with adjacent corners as well, use cluster_type = ” eight-way”*



 TileClustering.cluster_tiles (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
                               grid_x_col='x', grid_y_col='y',

Appends the cluster ID for each square grid cell

Test data

Create sample scores for square grid cells and cluster the cells

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

from geowrangler import grids

region3_gdf = gpd.read_file("../data/region3_admin.geojson")
grid_generator5k = grids.SquareGridGenerator(5_000)
grid_gdf5k = grid_generator5k.generate_grid(region3_gdf)
x y geometry
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755...
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755...
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755...
3 9 9 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.79871, 120.23499 14.798...
4 10 9 POLYGON ((120.23499 14.79871, 120.27991 14.798...

grid_gdf5k["score"] = np.random.random(len(grid_gdf5k))
grid_gdf5k["class"] = grid_gdf5k["score"] > 0.7
CPU times: user 3.15 ms, sys: 1.32 ms, total: 4.47 ms
Wall time: 10 ms
x y geometry score class
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755... 0.761806 True
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755... 0.012455 False
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755... 0.446552 False
3 9 9 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.79871, 120.23499 14.798... 0.669020 False
4 10 9 POLYGON ((120.23499 14.79871, 120.27991 14.798... 0.815914 True
tileclustering = TileClustering()
grid_gdf5k = tileclustering.cluster_tiles(grid_gdf5k, category_col="class")
CPU times: user 25.8 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 25.8 ms
Wall time: 47.6 ms
x y geometry score class tile_cluster
0 7 8 POLYGON ((120.10024 14.75528, 120.14516 14.755... 0.761806 True 6-1
1 6 8 POLYGON ((120.05533 14.75528, 120.10024 14.755... 0.012455 False 7-2
2 9 8 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.75528, 120.23499 14.755... 0.446552 False 1-2
3 9 9 POLYGON ((120.19008 14.79871, 120.23499 14.798... 0.669020 False 1-2
4 10 9 POLYGON ((120.23499 14.79871, 120.27991 14.798... 0.815914 True 23-1
grid_gdf5k.plot(column="class", categorical=True, cmap="Spectral")