Raster Zonal Stats Tutorial

A basic introduction to raster zonal stats

Basic Usage

Generate zonal stats for a GeoDataframe containing areas of interest using raster data


  • aoi - (area of interest) a geodataframe which we are interested in generating zonal statistics for
  • raster data - the source raster containing the features which we are interested in collecting zonal stats for our aoi.
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geowrangler.raster_zonal_stats as rzs

Load AOI

Our areas of interest (AOI) are three (3) Level 1 administration regions (ADM1) of the Philippines located in the island of Luzon.

# area multipolygons for regions 3,4,ncr of the philippines
aoi = gpd.read_file("../data/region34ncr_admin.geojson")
CPU times: user 3.26 s, sys: 195 ms, total: 3.45 s
Wall time: 3.44 s
ax = aoi.plot(

Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ...
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ...
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ...

Download Philippine Population Data

see the Humanitarian Data Exchange World Population Counts - Philippines

We download our raster Data as GeoTiff files from the Humanitarian Data Exchange site.


This maybe slow as the file is about 180 Mb and depending on your internet download speed may take more than 5 minutes.

# PHL population HDX links
phil_pop_link = "https://data.worldpop.org/GIS/Population/Global_2000_2020/2020/PHL/phl_ppp_2020.tif"
phil_pop_dset = "phl_pop_2020.tif"
![ ! -e ../data/{phil_pop_dset} ] && curl -o ../data/{phil_pop_dset} {phil_pop_link}
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  180M  100  180M    0     0   576k      0  0:05:19  0:05:19 --:--:--  430k
CPU times: user 12 s, sys: 3.57 s, total: 15.6 s
Wall time: 5min 19s

To create our raster zonal stats, we just need to set the aggregations, as well as some extra arguments, such as the nodata value in the raster.

results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 4.22 s, sys: 128 ms, total: 4.35 s
Wall time: 4.34 s
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry samples population_count
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ... 70786 13165866.0
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ... 2558377 11493727.0
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ... 1876244 15952383.0

Using Grid Tile AOIs

We can also use tile grids as our AOIs.

# note that you don't need to load the aoi first
grid_aoi_file = "../data/region3_admin_grids.geojson"
grid_aoi_results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
        fillna=[True, True],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 8.57 s, sys: 12.2 ms, total: 8.59 s
Wall time: 8.58 s
x y geometry samples population_count
0 0 30 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.70870, 119.83075 15.708... 171 1171.764038
1 0 31 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.75193, 119.83075 15.751... 329 278.567200
2 0 32 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.79516, 119.83075 15.795... 345 279.140198
3 1 30 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.70870, 119.87566 15.708... 158 808.681152
4 1 32 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.79516, 119.87566 15.795... 20 0.000000
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = grid_aoi_results.plot(
    ax=ax, column="population_count", edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5

Using Bing Tile Grid Tile AOIs

We can also use pre-existing Bing tile grids as our AOIs.

# note that you don't need to load the aoi first
bingtile_grid_aoi_file = "../data/region3_bingtile_grid13.geojson"
bingtile_grid_aoi_results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
        fillna=[True, True],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 10.6 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 10.7 s
Wall time: 10.7 s
quadkey geometry samples population_count
0 1323030303301 POLYGON ((120.10254 14.73239, 120.10254 14.774... 737 196.756744
1 1323030303300 POLYGON ((120.05859 14.73239, 120.05859 14.774... 50 35.732861
2 1323030303311 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.73239, 120.19043 14.774... 248 383.338013
3 1323030303133 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.77488, 120.19043 14.817... 901 5621.879395
4 1323030303131 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.81737, 120.19043 14.859... 1328 6584.988770
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = bingtile_grid_aoi_results.plot(
    ax=ax, column="population_count", edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5