Exploring Internet Speeds with Ookla

A simple use case demo for using geowrangler modules to find the Philippine provinces/towns with the slowest/fastest internet speeds.


This Use Case Demo shows how to use the geowrangler.datasets.ookla and the geowrangler.area_zonal_stats modules to find the slowest/fastest internet speeds within an area or region of interest.

How geowrangler can make this process easier

Geowrangler can:

  • Validate your geodataframes
  • Help you download Ookla data (internet speed)
  • Generate zonal stats for your province/town

What you need to do

  • Get your AOIs (areas of interest) - get the boundaries of your administrative regions
  • Download ookla data
  • Validate AOIs and ookla data
  • Generate zonal Stats
  • Analyze and find fastest/slowest internet speeds


Import libraries

Lets start by importing the required libraries

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import geowrangler.area_zonal_stats as azs

Download Admin Areas

Next, we get the administrative boundaries geodataset using data from Humanitarian Data Exchange

Set Region Filter


Setting the region filter to None will compute the zonal stats for the whole Philippines and can take a lot longer than for a region.

Set the REGION_FILTER to your Region (or None for the whole Philippines).

# REGION_FILTER = None  # All regions
REGION_FILTER = "National Capital Region"  # limit to 1 to speed up processing

Download the geodataset containing the admin areas of your country.

Here we are using the data for the Philippines.

phl_admin3_file = "phl_adminboundaries_candidate_adm3"
phl_admin3_zip = f"{phl_admin3_file}.zip"
# shapefiles
phl_admin3_link = f"https://data.humdata.org/dataset/caf116df-f984-4deb-85ca-41b349d3f313/resource/12457689-6a86-4474-8032-5ca9464d38a8/download/{phl_admin3_zip}"

Download the zipped file. Depending on your internet connection, it can take several minutes.

![ ! -e ../data/{phl_admin3_zip} ] && curl -L -o ../data/{phl_admin3_zip} {phl_admin3_link}
CPU times: user 3.9 ms, sys: 12.6 ms, total: 16.5 ms
Wall time: 123 ms
!mkdir -p ../data/{phl_admin3_file}
main_file = "phl_admbnda_adm3_psa_namria_20200529"
phl_admin3_shp = f"../data/{phl_admin3_file}/{main_file}.shp"
![ ! -e {phl_admin3_shp} ] && unzip -d ../data/{phl_admin3_file} ../data/{phl_admin3_zip}
CPU times: user 5.08 ms, sys: 3.09 ms, total: 8.17 ms
Wall time: 112 ms

Load the admin area geo dataset.

In our example we are loading the .shp or shape file as a geopandas dataframe.

print(f"loading {phl_admin3_shp}")
admin3 = gpd.read_file(phl_admin3_shp)
loading ../data/phl_adminboundaries_candidate_adm3/phl_admbnda_adm3_psa_namria_20200529.shp
CPU times: user 4.4 s, sys: 4.54 s, total: 8.93 s
Wall time: 9.1 s
0 1.601219 0.063496 Aborlan PH175301000 None None None Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((118.58350 9.37700, 118.58398 9...
1 1.078749 0.050232 Abra de Ilog PH175101000 None None None Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((120.58412 13.50198, 120.58420 13.501...
2 0.424301 0.006453 Abucay PH030801000 None None None Bataan PH030800000 Region III PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((120.49873 14.75614, 120.49891 14.755...
3 0.566053 0.011343 Abulug PH021501000 None None None Cagayan PH021500000 Region II PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((121.43455 18.46651, 121.43502 18.466...
4 1.013649 0.026124 Abuyog PH083701000 None None None Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((125.02684 10.73500, 125.02683 ...
array(['Region IV-B', 'Region III', 'Region II', 'Region VIII',
       'Region I', 'Region IV-A', 'Cordillera Administrative Region',
       'Region VI', 'Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao', 'Region XII',
       'Region VII', 'Region XIII', 'Region IX', 'Region X', 'Region V',
       'Region XI', 'National Capital Region'], dtype=object)

Limit the admin regions to only 1 in order to make the process run faster.

The REGION FILTER is set in the Set Region Filter Section

    admin3 = admin3[admin3.ADM1_EN == REGION_FILTER]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.axes()
ax = admin3.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue")

Admin 3 Levels for NCR
ax = plt.axes()
ax = admin3[admin3.ADM3_EN == "Pateros"].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue")
CPU times: user 115 ms, sys: 92.5 ms, total: 207 ms
Wall time: 105 ms

<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
array([120.90639543,  14.35172957, 121.13503641,  14.78529173])

Download Ookla data

Use the geowrangler.datasets.ookla module to explore and download ookla (internet speed) data

from geowrangler.datasets import ookla

List the publically available ookla datasets

ookla_dsets = ookla.list_ookla_files()
CPU times: user 76.1 ms, sys: 14.5 ms, total: 90.5 ms
Wall time: 1.13 s
{OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2019', quarter='1'): '2019-01-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2019', quarter='2'): '2019-04-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2019', quarter='3'): '2019-07-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2019', quarter='4'): '2019-10-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2020', quarter='1'): '2020-01-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2020', quarter='2'): '2020-04-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2020', quarter='3'): '2020-07-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2020', quarter='4'): '2020-10-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2021', quarter='1'): '2021-01-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2021', quarter='2'): '2021-04-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2021', quarter='3'): '2021-07-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2021', quarter='4'): '2021-10-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2022', quarter='1'): '2022-01-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='fixed', year='2022', quarter='2'): '2022-04-01_performance_fixed_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2019', quarter='1'): '2019-01-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2019', quarter='2'): '2019-04-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2019', quarter='3'): '2019-07-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2019', quarter='4'): '2019-10-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2020', quarter='1'): '2020-01-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2020', quarter='2'): '2020-04-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2020', quarter='3'): '2020-07-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2020', quarter='4'): '2020-10-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2021', quarter='1'): '2021-01-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2021', quarter='2'): '2021-04-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2021', quarter='3'): '2021-07-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2021', quarter='4'): '2021-10-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2022', quarter='1'): '2022-01-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet',
 OoklaQuarter(type='mobile', year='2022', quarter='2'): '2022-04-01_performance_mobile_tiles.parquet'}

Download the latest data (as of the time of writing this)

ookla_params = dict(year="2022", quarter="2", directory="../data")
ookla_fixed = ookla.download_ookla_file(type_="fixed", **ookla_params)
CPU times: user 143 µs, sys: 118 µs, total: 261 µs
Wall time: 182 µs

Convert ookla data into a GeoDataFrame

The downloaded file from ookla is not yet a geodataset, so we will h have to convert it into a GeoDataFrame suitable for use in geowrangler.

import pandas as pd

The downloaded ookla data contains the internet speed data for the whole world and can take a minute or two to load.

Later, we will show how to filter the data to only include the data relevant to our AOI.

fixed = pd.read_parquet(ookla_fixed)
CPU times: user 7.72 s, sys: 14.2 s, total: 21.9 s
Wall time: 19.2 s
quadkey tile avg_d_kbps avg_u_kbps avg_lat_ms tests devices
0 0000122200000000 POLYGON((-168.75 84.1249731939109, -168.744506... 97075 42458 65 7 1
1 0022133222312322 POLYGON((-160.02685546875 70.6435894914449, -1... 8324 3798 91 2 1
2 0022133222330100 POLYGON((-160.02685546875 70.6417687358462, -1... 14972 4461 94 29 2
3 0022133222330201 POLYGON((-160.043334960938 70.6344840663086, -... 6253 2818 91 1 1
4 0022202203233313 POLYGON((-179.478149414062 68.9169336615194, -... 700 126 1090 1 1
quadkey       object
tile          object
avg_d_kbps     int64
avg_u_kbps     int64
avg_lat_ms     int64
tests          int64
devices        int64
dtype: object

The data is now a Pandas DataFrame but this needs to be converted to a GeoDataFrame by converting the tile column into a geometry with a crs (Coordinate Reference System).

See EPSG:4326 for more details about the CRS.

Converting the data can also take a minute or two.

fixed["geometry"] = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(fixed.tile, crs="EPSG:4326")
CPU times: user 30.1 s, sys: 1.55 s, total: 31.6 s
Wall time: 31.3 s
quadkey tile avg_d_kbps avg_u_kbps avg_lat_ms tests devices geometry
0 0000122200000000 POLYGON((-168.75 84.1249731939109, -168.744506... 97075 42458 65 7 1 POLYGON ((-168.75000 84.12497, -168.74451 84.1...
1 0022133222312322 POLYGON((-160.02685546875 70.6435894914449, -1... 8324 3798 91 2 1 POLYGON ((-160.02686 70.64359, -160.02136 70.6...
2 0022133222330100 POLYGON((-160.02685546875 70.6417687358462, -1... 14972 4461 94 29 2 POLYGON ((-160.02686 70.64177, -160.02136 70.6...
3 0022133222330201 POLYGON((-160.043334960938 70.6344840663086, -... 6253 2818 91 1 1 POLYGON ((-160.04333 70.63448, -160.03784 70.6...
4 0022202203233313 POLYGON((-179.478149414062 68.9169336615194, -... 700 126 1090 1 1 POLYGON ((-179.47815 68.91693, -179.47266 68.9...
fixed.drop(columns=["tile"], inplace=True)
CPU times: user 515 ms, sys: 95.8 ms, total: 610 ms
Wall time: 606 ms
fixed = gpd.GeoDataFrame(fixed, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326")
CPU times: user 71.8 ms, sys: 61.1 ms, total: 133 ms
Wall time: 131 ms

Validate AOI and Data Geometries

In order to prevent more headaches as we process and analyze geospatial datasets down the line, it is prudent to check that our datasets have valid geometries.

We can use the geowrangler.validation module to check as well fix these problems.

from geowrangler.validation import GeometryValidation

Validate AOI

admin3_gvm = GeometryValidation(admin3)
valid_admin3 = admin3_gvm.validate_all()
CPU times: user 306 ms, sys: 1.56 ms, total: 308 ms
Wall time: 306 ms
Shape_Leng Shape_Area ADM3_EN ADM3_PCODE ADM3_REF ADM3ALT1EN ADM3ALT2EN ADM2_EN ADM2_PCODE ADM1_EN ADM1_PCODE ADM0_EN ADM0_PCODE date validOn validTo geometry is_not_null is_not_self_intersecting is_oriented_properly is_within_crs_bounds area_is_not_zero
211 0.037803 0.000056 Binondo PH133902000 None None None NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((120.97738 14.60226, 120.97765 14.602... True True False True True
308 0.692758 0.004468 Caloocan City PH137501000 None None None NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((121.01856 14.69176, 121.01846 ... True True False True True
395 0.362306 0.002745 City of Las Piñas PH137601000 City of Las Pinas None None NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((120.98122 14.48720, 120.98077 ... True True False True True
398 0.260317 0.002094 City of Makati PH137602000 None None None NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((121.03468 14.56725, 121.03416 14.567... True True False True True
399 0.262034 0.001323 City of Malabon PH137502000 None None None NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((120.92733 14.70265, 120.92690 14.702... True True False True True
valid_cols = [
[valid_admin3[col].value_counts() for col in valid_cols]
[False    30
 Name: is_oriented_properly, dtype: int64,
 True    30
 Name: is_not_null, dtype: int64,
 True    30
 Name: is_not_self_intersecting, dtype: int64,
 True    30
 Name: is_within_crs_bounds, dtype: int64,
 True    30
 Name: area_is_not_zero, dtype: int64]

So the admin areas have their geometry improperly oriented (i.e. layed out in a counter clockwise direction instead of clockwise direction) and this has been fixed, but passes all the other default validations.


Validate Data Geometries

Before validating, let’s filter the data to only those intersecting our AOI because we don’t need to check all the data from around the world when we’re only interested in our AOI.

Before we validate, we need to create the spatial indexes for both the AOI and data geometries. Generating the spatial indexes of the data geometries can take a minute or two due to the size of the data and their geometries.

CPU times: user 1.12 ms, sys: 541 µs, total: 1.66 ms
Wall time: 1.61 ms
<geopandas.sindex.PyGEOSSTRTreeIndex at 0x7f6e434b17f0>
CPU times: user 6.12 s, sys: 4.01 s, total: 10.1 s
Wall time: 10.1 s
<geopandas.sindex.PyGEOSSTRTreeIndex at 0x7f6e434b1880>

Lets now filter the data (filtered_fixed).

Filtering the data using a spatial join can also take a minute or two.

filtered_fixed = fixed.sjoin(
    valid_admin3[["geometry"]], how="inner", predicate="intersects"
CPU times: user 1.97 s, sys: 688 ms, total: 2.66 s
Wall time: 2.67 s
filtered_fixed.drop(columns=["index_right"], inplace=True)
fixed_gvm = GeometryValidation(filtered_fixed)
valid_fixed = fixed_gvm.validate_all()
CPU times: user 676 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 676 ms
Wall time: 673 ms
[valid_fixed[col].value_counts() for col in valid_cols]
CPU times: user 1.96 ms, sys: 961 µs, total: 2.92 ms
Wall time: 2.28 ms
[False    2300
 Name: is_oriented_properly, dtype: int64,
 True    2300
 Name: is_not_null, dtype: int64,
 True    2300
 Name: is_not_self_intersecting, dtype: int64,
 True    2300
 Name: is_within_crs_bounds, dtype: int64,
 True    2300
 Name: area_is_not_zero, dtype: int64]

Again the data geometries have an improperly oriented geometry and have been fixed by the validator

valid_fixed.drop(columns=valid_cols, inplace=True)
filtered_fixed = valid_fixed

filtered fixed ookla data

Generate Zonal Stats

Lets now generate the zonal stats – the statistics of the data we are interested in.

quadkey avg_d_kbps avg_u_kbps avg_lat_ms tests devices geometry
5646006 1323030313311323 43565 47889 8 93 23 POLYGON ((120.92102 14.73770, 120.92102 14.732...
5646008 1323030313311332 72579 91717 11 149 36 POLYGON ((120.92651 14.73770, 120.92651 14.732...
5646009 1323030313311333 52572 67337 3 1 1 POLYGON ((120.93201 14.73770, 120.93201 14.732...
5646018 1323030313313110 63548 77538 14 601 69 POLYGON ((120.92651 14.73239, 120.92651 14.727...
5646019 1323030313313111 105903 103874 13 115 22 POLYGON ((120.93201 14.73239, 120.93201 14.727...

Convert to planar CRS (since we are computing areas)

valid_admin3 = valid_admin3.to_crs("EPSG:3857")
CPU times: user 38.6 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 38.6 ms
Wall time: 37.2 ms
filtered_fixed = filtered_fixed.to_crs("EPSG:3857")
CPU times: user 23.3 ms, sys: 1.52 ms, total: 24.8 ms
Wall time: 23.4 ms

Lets save the files so we can retrieve them as necessary without having to reprocess them again.

valid_admin3.to_file("../data/valid_admin3.geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
CPU times: user 539 ms, sys: 37.6 ms, total: 577 ms
Wall time: 574 ms
filtered_fixed.to_file("../data/filtered_fixed.geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
CPU times: user 583 ms, sys: 38.6 ms, total: 622 ms
Wall time: 620 ms
# %%time
# valid_admin3 = gpd.read_file("../data/valid_admin3.geojson")
# %%time
# filtered_fixed = gpd.read_file("../data/filtered_fixed.geojson")

We want the following statistics - mean (aka average), min (minimum), max (maximum) and the standard deviation (std) for the 3 data columns that ookla provides - average download speed (avg_d_kbps), average upload speed (avg_u_kbps) and average latency in milliseconds (avg_lat_ms)

funcs = ["mean", "min", "max", "std"]
columns = ["avg_d_kbps", "avg_u_kbps", "avg_lat_ms"]
aggregations = [dict(func=funcs, column=c) for c in columns]

These are the aggregations to be performed for each data column

[{'func': ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std'], 'column': 'avg_d_kbps'},
 {'func': ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std'], 'column': 'avg_u_kbps'},
 {'func': ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std'], 'column': 'avg_lat_ms'}]

The output columns use the default {column}_{func} format if not explicitly specified.

aoi = azs.create_area_zonal_stats(
    valid_admin3, filtered_fixed, aggregations=aggregations
CPU times: user 3.74 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 3.74 s
Wall time: 3.73 s

Analyze Zonal Stats

These are the results - the same dataframe as the original, with the addition of zonal statistics we specified as the aggregations.

Shape_Leng Shape_Area ADM3_EN ADM3_PCODE ADM3_REF ADM3ALT1EN ADM3ALT2EN ADM2_EN ADM2_PCODE ADM1_EN ADM1_PCODE ADM0_EN ADM0_PCODE date validOn validTo geometry intersect_area_sum avg_d_kbps_mean avg_d_kbps_min avg_d_kbps_max avg_d_kbps_std avg_u_kbps_mean avg_u_kbps_min avg_u_kbps_max avg_u_kbps_std avg_lat_ms_mean avg_lat_ms_min avg_lat_ms_max avg_lat_ms_std
211 0.037803 0.000056 Binondo PH133902000 None None None NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((13467140.279 1643403.808, 13467170.0... 2.330890e+06 15125.377199 0.0 97827 4141.081774 12152.916247 0.0 80923 5625.791089 1.228832 0.0 8 0.923381
308 0.692758 0.004468 Caloocan City PH137501000 None None None NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((13471724.654 1653701.565, 1347... 7.425998e+07 309.956521 0.0 123236 15346.775252 307.716950 0.0 117885 15118.576034 0.035243 0.0 59 6.147227
395 0.362306 0.002745 City of Las Piñas PH137601000 City of Las Pinas None None NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None MULTIPOLYGON (((13467568.063 1630171.435, 1346... 4.080667e+07 649.603501 0.0 175810 22328.120899 555.324817 0.0 136167 19944.226971 0.045298 0.0 146 11.110505
398 0.260317 0.002094 City of Makati PH137602000 None None None NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((13473518.917 1639376.906, 13473461.1... 3.840895e+07 765.462383 0.0 159496 16771.721664 663.200995 0.0 144939 17818.361374 0.091436 0.0 25 5.288884
399 0.262034 0.001323 City of Malabon PH137502000 None None None NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH 2016-06-30 2020-05-29 None POLYGON ((13461569.031 1654955.161, 13461520.7... 2.583556e+07 1006.838781 0.0 119622 13444.542392 933.345049 0.0 130002 14309.585589 0.096779 0.0 17 2.893162

Lets save the results

aoi.to_file("../data/admin3_internet_aoi.geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
CPU times: user 415 ms, sys: 12.3 ms, total: 428 ms
Wall time: 424 ms

Let’s sort the different admin level 3 areas (cities/municipalities/district) by average download speed (avg_d_kbps_mean) in descending order

fastest_mean_download = aoi.sort_values("avg_d_kbps_mean", ascending=False)
CPU times: user 3.72 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 3.72 ms
Wall time: 3.16 ms

So according the latest ookla data (as of this writing) the district/town/province within the NCR Region with the fastest average download speed is Binondo!! :)

Shape_Leng                                                     0.037803
Shape_Area                                                     0.000056
ADM3_EN                                                         Binondo
ADM3_PCODE                                                  PH133902000
ADM3_REF                                                           None
ADM3ALT1EN                                                         None
ADM3ALT2EN                                                         None
ADM2_EN                             NCR, City of Manila, First District
ADM2_PCODE                                                  PH133900000
ADM1_EN                                         National Capital Region
ADM1_PCODE                                                  PH130000000
ADM0_EN                                               Philippines (the)
ADM0_PCODE                                                           PH
date                                                         2016-06-30
validOn                                                      2020-05-29
validTo                                                            None
geometry              POLYGON ((13467140.2793258 1643403.80801774, 1...
intersect_area_sum                                       2330890.174196
avg_d_kbps_mean                                            15125.377199
avg_d_kbps_min                                                      0.0
avg_d_kbps_max                                                    97827
avg_d_kbps_std                                              4141.081774
avg_u_kbps_mean                                            12152.916247
avg_u_kbps_min                                                      0.0
avg_u_kbps_max                                                    80923
avg_u_kbps_std                                              5625.791089
avg_lat_ms_mean                                                1.228832
avg_lat_ms_min                                                      0.0
avg_lat_ms_max                                                        8
avg_lat_ms_std                                                 0.923381
Name: 211, dtype: object

While the district/city/municipality within the NCR Regions with the slowest average download speed is Quezon City!!!

Shape_Leng                                                     0.773902
Shape_Area                                                      0.01363
ADM3_EN                                                     Quezon City
ADM3_PCODE                                                  PH137404000
ADM3_REF                                                           None
ADM3ALT1EN                                                         None
ADM3ALT2EN                                                         None
ADM2_EN                                            NCR, Second District
ADM2_PCODE                                                  PH137400000
ADM1_EN                                         National Capital Region
ADM1_PCODE                                                  PH130000000
ADM0_EN                                               Philippines (the)
ADM0_PCODE                                                           PH
date                                                         2016-06-30
validOn                                                      2020-05-29
validTo                                                            None
geometry              POLYGON ((13484683.37714301 1663482.482347114,...
intersect_area_sum                                      174544789.29521
avg_d_kbps_mean                                              145.111131
avg_d_kbps_min                                                      0.0
avg_d_kbps_max                                                   269544
avg_d_kbps_std                                             20232.269854
avg_u_kbps_mean                                              133.033955
avg_u_kbps_min                                                      0.0
avg_u_kbps_max                                                   260425
avg_u_kbps_std                                             20141.871761
avg_lat_ms_mean                                                0.011798
avg_lat_ms_min                                                      0.0
avg_lat_ms_max                                                       29
avg_lat_ms_std                                                  2.90016
Name: 1191, dtype: object

The top 5 fastest areas are

fastest_mean_download[["ADM3_EN", "ADM2_EN", "avg_d_kbps_mean"]].head()
ADM3_EN ADM2_EN avg_d_kbps_mean
211 Binondo NCR, City of Manila, First District 15125.377199
1343 San Nicolas NCR, City of Manila, First District 10897.783018
1192 Quiapo NCR, City of Manila, First District 9799.121085
1336 San Miguel NCR, City of Manila, First District 8708.791412
1112 Pateros NCR, Fourth District 7581.975774

The top 5 slowest areas are

fastest_mean_download[["ADM3_EN", "ADM2_EN", "avg_d_kbps_mean"]].tail()
ADM3_EN ADM2_EN avg_d_kbps_mean
1521 Taguig City NCR, Fourth District 531.559943
411 City of Parañaque NCR, Fourth District 470.491966
436 City of Valenzuela NCR, Third District 420.083766
308 Caloocan City NCR, Third District 309.956521
1191 Quezon City NCR, Second District 145.111131
ax = plt.axes()
ax = fastest_mean_download.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue")
ax = fastest_mean_download.iloc[:1].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="red", edgecolor="red")
ax = fastest_mean_download.iloc[29:].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="green", edgecolor="green")
ax = fastest_mean_download.plot(ax=ax, column="avg_d_kbps_mean", alpha=0.8)

fastest fixed ookla by adm3

So now, we’ve answered the question of where the fastest/slowest internet speeds are for the National Capital Region (NCR)

Additional Exercises

You can further experiment and try out other exercises to explore ookla data, or even try it out using a different country using a different geodataset from the Humanitarian Data Exchange site.

The following are more exercises you can try:

  • Repeat the same process to find the fastest and slowest mobile internet speeds
  • Repeat the same process for a different REGION_FILTER
  • Aggregate by adm2 level instead of adm3