Spatial Join Using Highest Intersection Tutorial

A basic introduction to using spatial join using highest intersection


Joins attributes of two tables based on largest area of overlap. Usage of this function assumes that the two datasets are both vector polygon data.

How does it work?

Spatial join using highest intersection works by assigning a unique ID to the first dataframe (gdf1) and using its geometry as basis for the intersection. Data from the second dataframe (gdf2), apart from its geometry, is retained in the output.

get_highest_intersection (gdf1, gdf2, proj_crs)

type default optional/ required details
gdf1 GeoDataFrame none required basis of output geometry
gdf2 GeoDataFrame none required data to be included during intersection
proj_crs String none required metric CRS (e.g., Philippines uses EPSG:32651)

A technical step-by-step explanation of how get_highest_intersection works is detailed in the cell blocks below. An example on how to use it with its arguments is shown in the sample use case section thereafter.

  1. Define the function and its arguments.
def get_highest_intersection(
    gdf1: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    gdf2: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    proj_crs: str,
) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
  1. Create a copy of the two geodataframes.
    gdf1 = gdf1.copy()
    gdf2 = gdf2.copy()
  1. Rename new columns with “__” prefixes and suffixes to prevent overwriting existing columns in the original geodataframes.
    uid_col = "__uid__"
    area_col = "__area_highest_intersection__"
    auxiliary_cols = [uid_col, area_col]
  1. Conduct checks to make sure we are not overwriting existing columns.
    for col in auxiliary_cols:
        if col in gdf1.columns:
            raise ValueError(f"Make sure {col} isn't already a column in gdf1")
        if col in gdf2.columns:
            raise ValueError(f"Make sure {col} isn't already a column in gdf2")
  1. Assign a unique ID to the first geodataframe. Note that uid_col is also defined in Step 2.
    gdf1[uid_col] = range(len(gdf1))
  1. Get intersection of the geodataframes.
    overlay = gdf1.overlay(gdf2, how="intersection")
  1. Add a column for overlapping area. Note that area_col is also defined in Step 2.
    overlay["geometry"] = overlay["geometry"].to_crs(proj_crs)
    overlay[area_col] = (overlay.geometry.area)
  1. Sort values by area. Drop duplicates and null values.
    overlay = overlay.sort_values(by=area_col, ascending=True)
    overlay = overlay.drop_duplicates(subset=[uid_col], keep="last")
    overlay = overlay.dropna(subset=[uid_col])
    assert not overlay[uid_col].duplicated().any()
    overlay = overlay.sort_values(by=[uid_col], ascending=True)
  1. Drop geometry from the overlay dataframe and merge the original geometry from gdf1. Also drop additional columns (uid_col, area_col) used to accomplish calculate overlapping area for the function.
    overlay_merge = overlay.drop("geometry", axis=1)

    output = pd.merge(
        left=gdf1[[uid_col, "geometry"]],

    output = output.drop(columns=auxiliary_cols)
  1. Drop the additional columns (uid_col, area_col) and return the final output.
    return output

Sample use case - Labeling grid with administrative boundaries

Input: - grid - GeoDataFrame that will become the basis of geometries for the output - adm_bounds - GeoDataFrame containing attributes that we want to append to the grid - proj_crs - metric coordinate reference system (e.g., “EPSG:32651” for the Philippines)

Output - grid with one province name per cell

Step 1: Import package

import geopandas as gpd
import geowrangler.grids as grids
import geowrangler.spatialjoin_highest_intersection as spatial_join

Step 2: Load the first dataset (grid)

This dataset will become the basis of geometry for the output.

x y geometry
0 3 3 POLYGON ((118.27581 5.92871, 118.72497 5.92871...
1 2 3 POLYGON ((117.82665 5.92871, 118.27581 5.92871...
2 3 4 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.37528, 118.72497 6.37528...
3 3 5 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.82146, 118.72497 6.82146...
4 0 6 POLYGON ((116.92834 7.26723, 117.37749 7.26723...
... ... ... ...
318 19 1 POLYGON ((125.46233 5.03451, 125.91149 5.03451...
319 19 12 POLYGON ((125.46233 9.93163, 125.91149 9.93163...
320 19 13 POLYGON ((125.46233 10.37375, 125.91149 10.373...
321 20 12 POLYGON ((125.91149 9.93163, 126.36065 9.93163...
322 20 13 POLYGON ((125.91149 10.37375, 126.36065 10.373...

323 rows × 3 columns

grid.plot(facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue");

# grid.explore()

Step 3: Load the second dataset (admin_bounds)

Info from this dataset (apart from geometry) will be appended to the output based on highest spatial intersection.

shapeName shapeISO shapeID shapeGroup shapeType geometry
0 Abra None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B1 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((120.96795 17.95706, 120.97803 ...
1 Agusan del Norte None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B2 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((125.57724 9.45679, 125.59687 9...
2 Agusan del Sur None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B3 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((125.91087 8.85625, 125.91461 8...
3 Aklan None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B4 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((122.43667 11.59833, 122.43667 ...
4 Albay None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B5 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((123.28764 13.04923, 123.28686 ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
76 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((119.46694 4.58694, 119.46639 4...
77 Zambales None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B78 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((120.08285 14.75048, 120.08222 ...
78 Zamboanga del Norte None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B79 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((122.09467 7.53152, 122.09467 7...
79 Zamboanga del Sur None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B80 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((122.06223 6.87278, 122.06250 6...
80 Zamboanga Sibugay None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B81 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((122.84063 7.27694, 122.84048 7...

81 rows × 6 columns

admin_bounds.plot(facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue");

# admin_bounds.explore()

Step 4: Get spatial join with highest intersection

output = spatial_join.get_highest_intersection(grid, admin_bounds, "EPSG:32651")

Note that each grid now has admin bounds columns (shapeName, shapeISO, shapeID, … etc.) based on the intersection with the admin boundaries with the highest overlapping area over each grid.

geometry x y shapeName shapeISO shapeID shapeGroup shapeType
0 POLYGON ((118.27581 5.92871, 118.72497 5.92871... 3 3 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
1 POLYGON ((117.82665 5.92871, 118.27581 5.92871... 2 3 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
2 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.37528, 118.72497 6.37528... 3 4 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
3 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.82146, 118.72497 6.82146... 3 5 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
4 POLYGON ((116.92834 7.26723, 117.37749 7.26723... 0 6 Palawan None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B59 PHL ADM2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
318 POLYGON ((125.46233 5.03451, 125.91149 5.03451... 19 1 Davao del Sur None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B28 PHL ADM2
319 POLYGON ((125.46233 9.93163, 125.91149 9.93163... 19 12 Dinagat Islands None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B30 PHL ADM2
320 POLYGON ((125.46233 10.37375, 125.91149 10.373... 19 13 Eastern Samar None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B31 PHL ADM2
321 POLYGON ((125.91149 9.93163, 126.36065 9.93163... 20 12 Surigao del Norte None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B74 PHL ADM2
322 POLYGON ((125.91149 10.37375, 126.36065 10.373... 20 13 Eastern Samar None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B31 PHL ADM2

323 rows × 8 columns

output.plot(facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue");

# output.explore()