Spatial Join Highest Intersection

find intersection of largest area joined


Generate Test Data

Load a sample admin boundary file using geopandas

admin_bounds_gdf = gpd.read_file("../data/geoboundary.geojson")
shapeName shapeISO shapeID shapeGroup shapeType geometry
0 Abra None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B1 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((120.96795 17.95706, 120.97803 ...
1 Agusan del Norte None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B2 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((125.57724 9.45679, 125.59687 9...
2 Agusan del Sur None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B3 PHL ADM2 MULTIPOLYGON (((125.91087 8.85625, 125.91461 8...
shapeName       object
shapeISO        object
shapeID         object
shapeGroup      object
shapeType       object
geometry      geometry
dtype: object
# admin_bounds_gdf.explore()

Generate a sample grid

grid_generator5k = grids.SquareGridGenerator(50_000)  # 5 km x 5 km square cells
grid_gdf = grid_generator5k.generate_grid(admin_bounds_gdf)
CPU times: user 5.08 s, sys: 14.4 ms, total: 5.09 s
Wall time: 5.11 s

ax = admin_bounds_gdf.plot(facecolor="grey", edgecolor="grey", alpha=0.2)
ax = grid_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="green")

x y
count 323.000000 323.000000
mean 11.773994 15.018576
std 4.861594 8.791210
min 0.000000 0.000000
25% 8.000000 8.000000
50% 11.000000 14.000000
75% 16.000000 21.000000
max 21.000000 37.000000
x y geometry
0 3 3 POLYGON ((118.27581 5.92871, 118.72497 5.92871...
1 2 3 POLYGON ((117.82665 5.92871, 118.27581 5.92871...
2 3 4 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.37528, 118.72497 6.37528...
x              int64
y              int64
geometry    geometry
dtype: object

Spatial join with highest intersection



 get_highest_intersection (gdf1:geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame,

Gets the intersection based on the largest area joined

Type Details
gdf1 GeoDataFrame gdf1 will be the basis of output geometry
gdf2 GeoDataFrame gdf2 data will all be included during intersection
proj_crs str metric CRS (e.g., Philippines uses EPSG:32651)
Returns GeoDataFrame
get_highest_intersection(grid_gdf, admin_bounds_gdf, "EPSG:32651")
geometry x y shapeName shapeISO shapeID shapeGroup shapeType
0 POLYGON ((118.27581 5.92871, 118.72497 5.92871... 3 3 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
1 POLYGON ((117.82665 5.92871, 118.27581 5.92871... 2 3 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
2 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.37528, 118.72497 6.37528... 3 4 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
3 POLYGON ((118.27581 6.82146, 118.72497 6.82146... 3 5 Tawi-Tawi None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B77 PHL ADM2
4 POLYGON ((116.92834 7.26723, 117.37749 7.26723... 0 6 Palawan None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B59 PHL ADM2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
318 POLYGON ((125.46233 5.03451, 125.91149 5.03451... 19 1 Davao del Sur None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B28 PHL ADM2
319 POLYGON ((125.46233 9.93163, 125.91149 9.93163... 19 12 Dinagat Islands None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B30 PHL ADM2
320 POLYGON ((125.46233 10.37375, 125.91149 10.373... 19 13 Eastern Samar None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B31 PHL ADM2
321 POLYGON ((125.91149 9.93163, 126.36065 9.93163... 20 12 Surigao del Norte None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B74 PHL ADM2
322 POLYGON ((125.91149 10.37375, 126.36065 10.373... 20 13 Eastern Samar None PHL-ADM2-3_0_0-B31 PHL ADM2

323 rows × 8 columns

Check plot of output

output = get_highest_intersection(grid_gdf, admin_bounds_gdf, "EPSG:32651")

# output.explore()